Blog Post: The First One


It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea.

At least, that is what the template of my web toolkit says on the first page. After weeks refining the layout, design, and talking to people in the broader industry to get a head start, I guess this is the time to actually write something then. 


However, now there is a somewhat uncomfortable emptiness in my head. 

Why did I want to create this blog in the first place, again? After all this work, am I really going to let a template start my first post?


It is because I had an idea that formed in my head over the last years to create this blog. No, it was not to prove to me or anyone that I can set up an online presence and or copy over text and phrases from internet resources. It was something different.

“I wanted to start this blog to do what I discovered to love:
Starting conversations about strategy with like-minded people.” 

While I could go out onto my university campus here in Adelaide immediately start talking to my student buddies, I often miss the enthusiasm that fun discussions drive among like-minded people. We might talk about a few interesting aspects that have happened lately in strategy and business, but it doesn't go further. On top of that, it seems complicated for many people to grasp an actual strategy that determines action and winning in organizations.


The “Calling for Berlin” case-study event from Deloitte in 2018 was a great experience and one of the reasons to start this blog. Strategic discussions and project work with people that share the same excitement as oneself.

Berlin, 2018

“I want to use this blog as a platform.”

A platform that does not let the discussion about different strategic approaches and reasons stop, rather than start those. A platform where strategy can be discovered together. A platform where business strategy and its possible implications on one's own business does not have to be defined by utterly complicated language. A platform where I might be even able to offer help to others if they feel that I can.

The name "Uncover Strategy" should represent precisely that. While not chosen entirely freely (there are a ton of domain names these days, you wouldn't believe), I hope to express thoughts and strategy concepts in an easy-to-understand, fun language, combined with useable real-world insights. I am mad excited to do exactly that. I want to meet you all out there who are as enthusiastic about this as I am.

I am looking forward to listening to ideas, concepts of strategy. However, you learn most by your mistakes, so criticism about this blog, my thoughts, or anything else is highly valued.

I want to thank Jennifer Brown and Timo Weigel for advice and tips on starting this thing and help me with some of the details. I especially want to thank Albert Moritz, who took out time in Bangkok to have an hour-long Zoom call with me. My most important takeaway (especially crucial to Germans):

“Figure out the details of your initiative later.
For now, just do it.”

- Albert Moritz, 2020

Thank you for that, Albert. That might just have been the sentence I needed to hear to get this thing going.

I am already excited and surprised how much fun I am having by writing these few sentences. 

Thank you for your attention and time to read my very first blog post in my life.



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